App Type:
Banking Software
App Name:
Whatfix Product:
Whatfix DAP
To prevent the creation of multiple loan copies in nCino due to repeated clicks on the loan application save button, this banking company implemented Smart Tips that instructed users to click the save button only once. This simple guidance significantly reduced duplicate loans, streamlining the loan approval process and saving time for the loan processing team.
nCino users encountered an issue in the loan application submission process where clicking the save button multiple times while waiting for the page to load created duplicate loan records. This slowed down the loan creation process, cluttered the system with unnecessary data, and confused bankers, underwriters, and approvers about which loan should be processed. Correcting these mistakes, like withdrawing duplicate loans, required extra time and effort, typically about 5 minutes per duplicate loan created.
Used Whatfix to create Smart Tips above the save button during loan application finalization in nCino. These Smart Tips alerted users to avoid clicking the save button more than once, preventing multiple loans from being created for a single application.
82% reduction in duplicate loans within 45 days of implementation.
Eliminated the need to manually withdraw duplicate loans.
Increased efficiency of the loan process with faster approvals and cleaner nCino data.
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